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pith-helmit-debi  Eye on Marketing

Develop A Marketing Plan – Part 4

Now that you have set your goals how will you achieve them? What do you need to look at to achieve these goals?

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Develop A Marketing Plan – Part 3

Now that you have gathered the information about your company (part one) and looked at the world around your business with the SWOT Analysis (part two), now is the time to start working on your goals.

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Develop A Marketing Plan – Part 2

Once you have gathered the information about your business and your industry, you’ll start your plan from an outside perspective. Look at Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to your business. This is called a SWOT analysis.

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Develop A Marketing Plan – Part 1

So you are a business owner. Congratulations! This is an exciting time for you. There are so many things to do – plan inventory, finalize a location, hire employees – all things you have to worry about. So, have you made a marketing plan?

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Penguin Suits Wins 2014 MarCom Creative Award

Boerne, TX, May 2014 – Out of more than 6,000 submissions from 50 countries, Penguin Suits is named Gold Winner in the 2014 MarCom Creative Award for their brochure design for Dress for Success San Antonio, entitled “A Taste of Success.”

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Men, Women & The Web

Men may be from Mars and Women may be from Venus. Did you know they use the Web differently, too?

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Is your Website a Liar?

Is your website still an asset or is it saying things that aren’t true? Your website speaks for you, but it may not be saying what you want it to. Styles change fast and small changes or huge shifts in style may be required to make your website speak the truth about you.

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Going Mobile – Step 3

Here are the most common ways to go mobile and a few advantages and disadvantages.

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Going Mobile – Step 2

Going mobile is worth it, you’ve decided.

But what is it worth? $100? $10,000?

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Going Mobile – Step 1

Many people already use mobile devices to access websites, and that number is growing quickly!

How do you know if your business is meeting this demand?

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