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B2B – Social Marketing Strategy- PART 4

Building a following

Trust is critical in B2B social media marketing. Here is where you market to the target audience you may not be able to reach any other way. You post your brand message where potential accounts are most likely to see you. You can do this by sharing, following and commenting on conversations and offering relevant expertise and insight that these users will find valuable.

Don’t sell. You are in a social group where participation through insights, advice, and tips are valued. By doing so, your brand’s prestige and awareness will organically grow over time.

Sales do come

Business to Business social media marketing is a great tool for raising your brand’s visibility and to make genuine connections with potential buyers. Some of those connections do convert to valuable and businesses relationships that are stronger because they developed slowly over time. Social media is a fertile ground for building that lasting, genuine relationship with potential clients. No more cold calls.

Strategy behind each platform

  • Twitter: The key is to get involved in ongoing conversations. Stay abreast of your timeline and make quality contributions on a regular basis. Use hashtagging keywords that pertain to your business
  • LinkedIn: The ideal platform for making one-on-one contact with a potential account. Start the process by visiting the profiles of potential clients. that user is immediately alerted to your visit, they’ll check the profiles of people who have viewed theirs. This way the client has some awareness of your company before you actually initiate that first sales call.
  • Facebook: Great platform to share tips and info with friends about your business
  • Pinterest: the place to share images with links to your site of your products or services with tags and keywords for shoppers, and searchers to find them and you easily.
  • YouTube: short relevant videos that pertains to your target audience
  • Instagram: Instant images of products that link to your website

View Part 5

I hope these marketing tips make your campaigns more effective.
If you have any questions, Penguin Suits. We are Your Marketing Department and we are here to help.

Debi Lamb-Burrows