What is Lead Generation?
Lead generation is the marketing process of getting your target audience interested in your product or service and capturing their interest in order to sell to them.
Lead generation uses digital channels, such as websites, AdWords, social media, inbound marketing, retargeting, email newsletters and blogs, and informal text. Nowadays, almost everything can be tracked within digital channels. You can see the stats of almost anything that you do to market to your clients and generate leads. Do you wonder if your website is working for you? Are your AdWord campaigns giving you any conversions? Are your social media profiles providing your company any brand recognition? Is your website optimized for the appropriate keywords? Well, those are questions that many of our clients in the past have had and are why Penguin Suits has created our patented Lead Gener8 AnalysisTM.
Penguin Suits looks at the performance of your website. In Google searches, we look at your social media profiles for engagement, as well as see if the keywords for which you think your website is optimized are what is really showing up on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). Can your clients find you when they need to? Try Googling your business. Most people never google their own business. If you are not, you need to Google your business on a regular basis. You need to see what your clients see.
Lead Generation is important to keep new work coming in the pipeline for your company. This allows it to grow. Tracking your lead generation will allow you to see what is working and not working, and make timely adjustments. It will allow you to wisely focus your marketing budget on campaigns that work and generate income and leads for your business. Monitoring your leads through Penguin Suits Lead Gener8 AnalysisTM allows you to see the results and track marketing campaigns. It allows you to effectively maximize your marketing budget and focus it on the best ways to reach your target audience.
When you use digital marketing there is a lot of noise. Therefore, your marketing efforts need to be focused and constantly monitored for effectiveness and validity. If something is working – GREAT – but do you know why? And how can we duplicate it with other campaigns? If something is not working, we need to see why and change it quickly. With digital marketing, messages can be changed quickly, saving you money, time and lost leads. Instead of finding customers with mass advertising and hoping the leads come in, now we can focus on being found, learning to build continuous relationships with buyers and tracking the results.
If your current marketing company is not giving you these type of statistics, call us. We can help you take an in-depth look at all your marketing and see how your marketing lead generation machine is working for you.
Debi Lamb-Burrows
Owner/Head Storyteller/Strategist
Penguin Suits
The Penguin Suits Difference
Penguin Suits knows that your business is unique and special, so we treat you and your business like you are our only client. We promise to develop a relationship of unmatched trust and confidence as Your Marketing Department. We pledge to create an effective lead generation campaign especially for your business that is creative, daring, passionate, and consistent. You will be proud to put your name on the marketing campaigns Penguin Suits creates for you.