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9 Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media

These are 9 common mistakes that businesses make when they attempt to advertise through social media outlets. Social media promotion is effective, but only when it is done correctly. 

  1. Focus on quantity of followers, not the quality
  2. Not posting engaging content
  3. Not converting followers into paid customers
  4. Focusing on too many social media channels at once
  5. Having no branding personality
  6. Spamming
  7. Doing everything manually
  8. Broadcasting the same message across all channels
  9. Not having a strategy at all

These are the common mistakes that businesses make when they attempt to advertise through social media outlets. Social media promotion is effective, but only when it is done correctly.

Social media should work to develop relationships for the businesses with their target market. You are trying to reach out and engage with your audience you want their attention. You need to have a plan and a strategy and selling is not a plan for social media.

It is important to also remember to tackle the social media that will target your desired audience. If your target audience is on multiple platforms choose the most important one first, master it before you go to the next social media platform.

Some active Social media platforms are:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • SnapChat
  • Instagram
  • Periscope

If you need help with your social media Penguin Suits is here to help. We believe a good marketing strategy can grow your business. We can help you develop this. Penguin Suits is your Creative Results-Oriented Advertising Agency Devoted to Consistent and Effective Lead Generation! Just ask we can help.

Debi Lamb-Burrows