Infographic Credit: QuickSprout
The Art of Getting Retweets
Do you use Twitter? You should. Twitter is a valuable resource to gain exposure for your business. One of the ways to get exposure is by posting quality content that generates retweets. This helpful infographic offers up some ways you can get your content retweeted.
- Retweet Etiquette
- Leave room for the @RT
- Retain as much of original as possible
- Give credit
- Use only 71 – 100 characters to leave room for the RT@ username and comment
- Link Tweets
- Tweet about trends
- Include popular has tags
- Ask for retweets
- Timing is important
- Stop talking about you
- Say new things
A Tweet that you share publicly with your followers is known as a Retweet. This is a great way to pass along news and interesting discoveries on Twitter. You have the option to add your own comments before Retweeting—making it a Quote Tweet. When using Twitter’s Retweet icon, your Retweet or Quote Tweet will reference the Tweet you are sharing.
In addition to sharing other’s Tweets on Twitter, you can Retweet or Quote Tweet your own Tweet. This function is particularly useful when you want to re-post one of your older Tweets because it is relevant again, or Retweet your replies to other people when you want to make sure all of your followers see it.
Social media has a life and a heart and a soul and it matters. Work to build your audience not shrink it. One post can grow your audience or shrink it. If you don’t have time Penguin Suits can help. We believe a good marketing strategy can grow your business. We can help you develop this. Penguin Suits is your Creative Results-Oriented Advertising Agency Devoted to Consistent and Effective Lead Generation! Just ask we can help.