Master Story Teller
spins tales for local clients…
spins tales for local clients…
Debi Lamb-Burrows is a master story teller and loves telling the stories of her clients, spinning tales and adding intriguing and unexpected twists that delight and draw in audiences everywhere. Each book sent out from Penguin Suits is beautifully crafted and unique, telling amazing stories in a vast variety of styles. Her ever expanding library is beginning to pique the interest of even the most exclusive book collectors.
At a recent appearance she was rumored to be speaking to a well-known producer about the movie rights to one of her more recent books, Choose To Be. With a giggle of excitement she neither denied nor confirmed this, but she did drop hints that people “in the know” might find intriguing hints on a popular YouTube channel.
On the Move, she has a number of books in the making and, after being allowed a quick peek, I can say that you can continue to expect great things from this little author. I was amazed at the extensive use of color and style in the drafts. Most intriguing was the use of unexpected media. I can hardly say more without ruining the surprises up the sleeve of this storybook magician. The only thing to do is keep your eyes on her and her little troupe of cohorts and expect to be delighted again and again.
Everyone loves to listen to a well-written and cleverly presented story. With this in mind, Debi Lamb-Burrows began developing her clients’ brands like the amazing stories they are. Each individual and business has a unique story that requires individualized design, production and presentation. Debi continues to expand both design styles and presentation options to offer her clients the most widespread and effective use of their marketing budget.
If you missed her previous volumes, many can be found in the library (portfolio) section. You simply must check out “Tall Tale Thespian” about Boerne’s local theatre, “Mastery of all Things Green” about Boerne’s green thumb experts at Turf Masters and the ever popular “Monster Molecule Marauders” detailing the exploits of CLO2IX.
Developing stories is a passion at Penguin Suits. They thrive on sitting down with a client to guide them through the tricky storyline development process, including the development of a brand that represents the client and is appealing to their target audience as well as exploring additional diverse ways to make their audience aware of them. Just like marketing a book, you can develop specialty items for fans to purchase, websites where they can gather, interact and enthuse and even go to video with your story. Penguin Suits can guide you through it all!
We love to tell stories, let us tell yours.
Call or come by and get started on your own chapter!
830.816.8238 • 100 W. Hosack St. Boerne, TX 78006